The Green Card, your Licence to play golf!
The Individual package includes, for 6 months :
- unlimited acces for the driving range and the 3 Holes
- 6 hours of lessons with a Pro
- equipment loan for a period of 6 months (Golfbag and clubs)
- 750 balls on the "Links Card"
- 5*9 holes on the main course
The Couple package includes, for 6 months :
- unlimited acces for the driving range and the 3 Holes
- 6 hours of lessons with a Pro, each
- equipment loan for a period of 6 months (2 Golfbag and clubs)
- 1200 balls on one "Links Card"
- 5*9 holes main course, each

Individual Package from 520 € - Couple Package from 750 €